Just got a copy ..... and wanted to share......
----- Original Message -----
From: Frank Anderson
Cc: Frank Anderson ; Dave Warner
Sent : Thursday, June 25, 2009 3:38 PM
Subject: Invitation
Please advise your alternate of this meeting.
To all board members:
We have been able to organize a meeting with senior representatives of the Department of Economic and Rural Development (Neal Conrad) and the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (Mel Coombs) for Thursday, August 13 at 2:00pm. They will be able to provide some knowledge of the important role that municipalities play in the regional development authority process and how the authority will operate under the Regional Community Development Act of 1996. When the South West Shore Development Authority was established in 1995 as a not-for-profit society, it determined its structure, its operational plan, its priorities and its marketing strategy. Over the years, the authority has continued to provide support for all municipal units and many community groups and carried out their mandate to develop a strategic plan and implement the plan to create economic stability in the region. In preparation for this meeting, they have asked that we put together a list of questions so that they can be prepared with some answers. The session will be held in the boardroom of the South West Authority in Yarmouth. If there is sufficient interest expressed by municipal councils to have other councillors to attend, we will identify a more appropriate location for the meeting. Please mark this in your calendar and provide some of your questions that will help you to understand the process and the Regional Community Development Act.
Frank Anderson
Chief Executive Officer
Then on Wednesday August 12 the following message was sent out......
The meeting in Yarmouth tomorrow with Neal Conrad, Economic Development, and Mel Coombs, ACOA, Re: Reincorporation of S.W.S.D.A., has been cancelled until further notice.
When asked about the cancellation some Board members indicated ..... that Halifax cancelled the meeting because they were still preparing written answers to the questions asked by members and councilors.....
Thought you should know....
Anderson and his band of merry men, should be the ones answering questions. This is a joke, right?
Frank, This business of "help you to understand the process" wouldn't have to be rehashed at this stage if you had carried out your duties of CEO and not that of drill master. Holding secret meetings in order to carry out YOUR and YOUR ILK's agenda, pretending that you have made great strides in development in Shelb. Co., and blatantly stacking the BofD deck (YAIC) resulted in your failure to carry out your fiduciary duties.
Frank,name all your cohorts.You will feel better.
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