Monday, August 3, 2009



One of our Readers has asked a number of questions in quick succession about whether this blog is confidential..... questions and tactics similar to the ones received by the swsdaaccountability blog

I have not posted his/her subsequent comments charged with innuendo and suggestions of questionable motives by yours truly....

Not sure what the question means since everything I write is published under my name. If the question is whether anonymous comments are truly anonymous..... the answer is yes.... they are anonymous.... that is the option offered to people who want to comment when they choose to make their comment anonymous.... that part of the blog is managed by "Google" and even the courts can't force them to identify who has posted comments that I do not reject as inappropriate..... and of course..... I never know who sends comments unless they identify themselves........

Of course if you write a comment and I post it, the comment no longer is confidential since anyone subscribing to this blog can read it

HAVING SAID ALL THIS.... I CAN'T HELP BUT WONDER ..... why would someone ask this question?


Anonymous said...

Probably someone unfamilar with blogs,google,etc. I am certain your morals were never the question.

Anonymous said...

I think that it is possible someone in the media, that has strong connections to SWSDA, may now be realizing that they picked the wrong horse. A similar reaction was seen when both Yarmouth Town and County Councils were kicked out of office, in the October Municipal elections, and the same reaction as Macdonald and his friends walked into the sunset. We really do need a real news outlet in Nova Scotia.

Anonymous said...

Having never dealt with the many government depts. and Crown corps. involved in new start-ups, I am amazed at how many seem to be connected but separate, making the bureaucratic maze just that much more confusing. Great blogspot(s) - it appears you have stepped on some toes...

Anonymous said...

Gee,I just returned. This topic seems trival.Someone persistantly wondered if thier anon comments were really anon! Seems like a fair question if you are not computer savvy.Question was answered,quite well, so likes slay the real dragon. I am thinking someone out there may be using the ole divide and rule ploy. Lets be above such things.O.K.
Trn off the personalities and roll up the sleeves.If someone doesn't like the blog let them start a new blog or play solitaire........

Unknown said...

Right on, anon aug 4 8:01!