Mayor Delaney, Warden Embree and others at the meeting on Friday with the two Ministers had lots of questions for the new Minister of Economic Development and Rural Development.
* Mayor Delaney suggested that the Minister's department participate in a workshop here in September to respond to questions about a new RDA, and Warden Embree wanted to know what the Government's views were on a new RDA. Both reasonable questions and suggestions and I hope the answers are eventually forthcoming.....
* Personally, I would like folks in our community to have a substantive discussion about the manner in which we want to manage our future development. The meeting should talk about what organizations or personnel we should have in place to assist us here, in Halifax or elsewhere.... before we have more discussions ... with either the Provincial Government or the folks from Yarmouth and Clare.
* In the mid-90s the new Savage government was told by people across Nova Scotia that they wanted a local pool of talent to provide technical assistance and training to local populations so we could manage our own socio-economic development. That's what RDAs were supposed to provide. Instead ..... RDAs hijacked the portfolio (and the project money) and became development czars, dictating to local populations what was going to get done and what wasn't....
*interjecting themselves between citizens and their elected officials and civil servants....
* conducting business in secret and encouraging municipal officials to do the same thing......
* and in so doing... reducing the ability of local populations to manage their own priorities, intervene with government agencies directly and get things done by ensuring those elected and hired to work for us were accountable.
1. Moreover, RDAs who were supposed to be managed by representatives from the community with a minority of seats reserved for municipal officials, were permitted to operate as Societies thereby letting municipal governments usurp the role of representatives from the general population ... stacking the Board of RDAs with politicians.
2. Compounding this problem, Municipalities who were told specifically under the MGA that they were not to divest themselves of land by giving it to RDAs, "because RDAs are not allowed to own land..."... got around the rule by operating as Societies.
3. Municipalities were further complicit in corrupting the intended role of RDAs by handing over land to groups who claimed to be RDAs but who were incorporated under the Societies Act and therefore not bound by the RDA Act. The Provincial Government did the same unloading land they owned and making municipalities responsible for the new burden ... by handing it to the SWSDAs of this world.
4. Municipal officials who enjoyed the confidentiality coverage of these societies resisted becoming RDAs under the appropriate Act because it meant they could do things in secret that the MGA and FOIPOP would not permit them to engage in ..... keep the public in the dark.
In my opinion, I think the public was right in the mid-90s.
Had their demands been answered and not corrupted by municipal and provincial governments with the complicit support of ACOA, local communities and their populations would not only have experienced more socio-economic growth.... but also would have increased their capacity to partner with government agencies to get things done.
I think our workshop on RDAs should help us clarify the role that RDAs should play in our community and who should run them.
What do you think?
Why not start by setting up a focus group to study the matter and develop a plan to present to the political people.Blogs are fine but with so much ANON it's time to come out of the closet.Know!
This is a great first posting of the week Ed. We could be a model RDA if our five (or the three eastern) councils and the public worked together. Open and transparent is the route to take, and that will involve meetings including the public to ensure everyone is on the same page. It's not going to be easy and it won't happen overnight, but it will be well worth it in the long run...
Anon 12:39 That sounds like a good first step. Guess I'm curious why you didn't sign your name. There's nothing in your comment that would embarass you or your family. Is there something in the town's water that is making everyone behave like a Stepford wife - think I'll stick to my well water just to be on the safe side! - Shirley Fry
Ms Fry it is fear of reprisal.
Sorry to hear that - is it related to business or societal? -S.F.
Not ready to take on politicians who have more control of important facts but certainly will do my part as a citizen to voice opinions.
If water we drink could only help some bad mistakes. Many of us in town enjoy well water but choose to be not labeled....just we,also, are learning the ropes with a great leader.Thanks Mr. Cayer !
Never will we get everyone on same page .
Once there is a START TO IMPROVE OUR ECONOMY WITH A positive project to get our many interested citizens motivated THAT will be a beginning to encourage more great people to become involved ...... IT IS TOO QUIET BY THOSE POLITICIANS WITH FUNDS READY TO SHARE !!!
In a small community we all wear labels so surprise your neighbours and let them know you're not afraid to voice your opinions when the need exists. ~S.Fry~
If you have a job...which you need to put food on the keep silent.
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